Wednesday, July 07, 2004

What the hell do I look like?

Body image...What we think of ourselves...What we see...
I have a real messed up body image, and didn't realize it until last night...

Two of the monsters, my niece and youngest nephew, have been @ my house since school has been out...That's kind of how it goes during the summer...They don't go home too much...

I had started to get out some of my summer clothes yesterday know, the ones I haven't worn in 4 years or so...I found them...The little cutoff shorts I loved so much...They were a size 8 slim fit levi's but were baggy on me...I used to wear them down on my hips and they were soooooo comfy...

So I get home and my niece has on my cutoff shorts...and they like fit her...they are not loose on her...They weren't cutting off her circulation or anything, but they weren't baggy like they were on me...and I had a revelation...I have no idea what I look like at any given time...

I was skinny...sheesh...who knew??? I can still get those suckers on, but they make breathing rather difficult.

This is really shocking to me...I just am amazed...I have no idea what I look like...

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