Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Booty

Not that kind of booty you pervs...

I cleaned up in the Valentine's Day present category. My inspectors got me sugar free Fannie Mae (Fannie! Mae!) mint melt-a-ways...My repairmen got me roses...My boss got me daisies...My other boss got me a Coach scarf...My used to be boss got me a gift certificate for a pedicure (YaY!).... The Teamsters got me these really cool sugar free heart shaped suckers that were in this really cool looking bouquet...

The paint department got me a Vermont Teddy Bear...The body department got me this really cool bouquet of balloons and they were all shaped like the little hearts with the messages (Be Mine, etc..) on them...The Original Party People sent me a card with a pic of them and my Grandpa smack dab in the middle of a Mardi Gras parade and a really cool looking necklace...(I asked her if I could post the picture on the Internet and she said "Oh HELL no!")

My brother got me a cute pair of silver chandelier earrings...Niece and nephew got me...

Shit this could take awhile and it sounds like bragging here so I'll just stop...

It did make me think of something though. As I was walking out of work with two guys to help carry all the wonderful "I appreciate and love you" presents, I noticed something. There were other people that had a heart shaped box of candy or a balloon or two.

There were an awful lot of people that didn't have anything, and said things like "Damn where'd you get all that stuff?!?!"

The "Cool Kids" still exist in adulthood, and I'm a "Cool Kid."

Who woulda thunk it? Not that I was unpopular as a teen, quite the contrary. I wasn't the most popular, but I had an awful lot of friends. It seems that my status has been elevated substantially as I've gotten older...

It reminded me of something that David Arquette once said. Yes, I'm going to quote David Arquette.

It went something like this: "It's amazing that the things that made you unpopular as a kid, things like compassion and empathy make you a really cool adult."

Oh I hope that is true. Otherwise my ass is just tighter then all the other girls...

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